Hasil gambar untuk neluns bountySelamat malam para pengunjung, disini saya akan membahas mengenai Projek Neluns, ya mungkin alangkah baiknya juga kalian mengunjungi website resmi Neluns di Deskripsi Artikel saya ini .

Nelus adalah ekosistem keuangan inovatif, menggabungkan diri dalam bank yang dapat bekerja dengan fiat atau cryptocurrency. Yukk langsung aja kita bahas lebih lanjut mengenai Neluns.

Bergabung dengan ICO : https://neluns.io/

Tentang Neluns
Neluns adalah ekosistem keuangan baru yang berfungsi sebagai teknologi inovatif dan memberikan izin untuk beroperasi dengan cryptocurrency dan fiat. Moto perusahaan adalah untuk menyediakan lingkungan yang menguntungkan bagi pertumbuhan pasar cryptocurrency.

Visi Neluns berfokus pada pembangunan ekosistem finansial baru yang akan memiliki fungsi bank, perusahaan asuransi, dan pertukaran mata uang. Semua modul ini akan diintegrasikan secara mulus dan akan mendukung transaksi dengan uang kripto atau uang fiat yang membawa pengalaman pengguna ke level berikutnya. Karena ketiga modul itu milik tim Neluns, akan mungkin untuk mempertahankan biaya yang cukup kompetitif dibandingkan dengan pengaturan klasik di mana semua entitas milik pemilik yang berbeda menghasilkan biaya overhead untuk klien.

Tujuan utama dari Perusahaan Nelun adalah untuk membidik ekosistem finansial. Ini bertujuan untuk menggabungkan Bank, pertukaran mata uang dan Perusahaan Asuransi semua dalam satu platform. Neluns menyediakan solusi menyeluruh kepada publik untuk tujuan pribadi dan perusahaan.

Fungsi Neluns adalah melakukan pembayaran, pembelian, penjualan cryptocurrency dan penarikan dana dari ATM manapun. Ini memiliki aplikasi seluler sendiri yang didukung oleh versi Android dan versi iOS. Penggunaan mereka adalah bahwa mereka dapat membuat operasi perbankan dan pertukaran sangat mudah dan dapat diakses dari bagian manapun di dunia.

Pengembangan aktif perbankan online

Seperti yang sudah kita ketahui, Neluns memiliki khalayak sasaran yang luas, yang masalah-masalahnya harus diselesaikan oleh proyek. Namun, untuk mencapai kesuksesan, perlu mempertimbangkan faktor eksternal. Saat ini, perbankan online secara aktif berkembang di sebagian besar negara, banyak dari mereka bahkan membuka inkubator, untuk mendukung proyek-proyek fintech. Semua ini menciptakan kondisi yang menguntungkan untuk peluncuran Neluns.

Pendaftaran resmi proyek fintech

Tim Neluns memimpin pekerjaan aktif pada persiapan pendaftaran proyek di Inggris dan menerima semua lisensi peraturan yang diperlukan. Salah satu faktor utama untuk memilih Inggris, adalah dukungan aktif terhadap startup yang ditampilkan oleh Bank of England.

Bank sentral negara itu mendirikan Fintech Accelerator sendiri. Di dasar platform ini, para kreator proyek dapat bertukar ide dan perkembangan mereka, mendiskusikan kecenderungan pengembangan pasar, serta teknologi baru.

Akselerator membantu pengembangan perusahaan-perusahaan tertentu, yang mengarah pada pengembangan sektor fintech secara keseluruhan. Sementara pada saat yang sama, dukungan aktif dari Blockchain-startup dilakukan, yang menurut pendapat dari perwakilan Accelerator, dapat berdampak positif pada sistem keuangan negara, dan meningkatkan stabilitasnya.

Menurut Mark Carney, Gubernur Bank of England, reformasi sistem perbankan, dengan mempertimbangkan teknologi inovatif baru akan terjadi. Pada saat yang sama, fintech mampu mengubah sifat uang dan bank sentral di masa depan, dan ini akan dirasakan oleh semua pengguna layanan keuangan.

Perlu dicatat bahwa bahkan pada tahun 2015, Pengawasan Perbankan Inggris mengeluarkan lisensi untuk melakukan layanan perbankan ke bank virtual sepenuhnya, di mana klien dapat bekerja hanya melalui aplikasi seluler. Saat ini, bank tidak memiliki cabang, dan mereka hanya memiliki deskripsi proyek di situs web mereka.

Sebagai hasilnya, kami dapat memastikan bahwa Inggris adalah salah satu yurisdiksi terbaik untuk proyek-proyek fintech.

Alternatif untuk yurisdiksi Inggris adalah yurisdiksi Amerika Serikat.


Meringkas yang disebutkan di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Neluns memiliki target pemirsa yang luas, yang menemui banyak masalah serius. Solusi yang ada tidak dapat menyelesaikan masalah mereka sepenuhnya. Solusi yang komprehensif diperlukan, karena itu satu-satunya cara untuk menciptakan ekosistem keuangan baru, yang akan menghilangkan hambatan di jalur pengembangan cryptomarket dan akan memungkinkan untuk menggunakan cryptocurrency secara umum.

Selain itu, sebagian besar badan regulator keuangan pemerintah secara aktif mendukung startup fintech. Perbankan online mendapatkan daya tarik, solusi baru dan inovatif muncul. Bank tradisional dalam lingkungan seperti itu tidak selalu kompetitif.

Semua ini menciptakan kondisi yang sangat menguntungkan untuk peluncuran proyek Neluns yang revolusioner.

Pendekatan yang komprehensif, dan usulan solusi baru, berkualitas, menghilangkan berbagai masalah audiens target, dalam kombinasi dengan dukungan proyek fintech aktif pada tingkat pemerintah yang menyusun Neluns untuk sukses.

Fitur Neluns

Perusahaan Neluns menyediakan berbagai manfaat bagi pelanggan mereka. Semua elemen sistem diciptakan untuk memaksimalkan kenyamanan menggunakan cryptocurrency dan fiat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Ekosistem Neluns terdiri dari tiga elemen utama yang dijelaskan di bawah ini:
Neluns Bank
Neluns Bank mematuhi semua peraturan keuangan yang mengatur kegiatan perbankan sambil menyediakan pengguna dengan semua layanan perbankan baik dalam fiat dan cryptocurrency. Hal ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk deposit, transfer dana dan penarikan di seluruh dunia di mana pun Anda berada, memungkinkan Anda untuk menggunakan kartu debit dan kartu kredit visa dan mastercard dan juga, Anda dapat menyetorkan cryptocurrency di bank Anda tanpa mengubahnya menjadi uang tunai melalui pertukaran.

Neluns Exchange
Neluns Exchange diatur oleh lisensi Securities and Exchange Commission AS, proses pertukaran inovatif yang cepat dan aman untuk transaksi cryptocurrency. Hal ini memungkinkan untuk bertukar cryptocurrency Anda di platform mereka tetapi ada tangkapan, Anda dapat menariknya langsung ke (neluns bank) dan juga, selama waktu ketika exchane kelebihan beban Anda masih dapat menggunakan fungsinya tanpa gangguan layanan dan juga, itu memungkinkan Anda untuk terhubung dari dompet seperti metamask untuk menyimpan dana dengan sangat mudah

Asuransi Neluns
Neluns Insurance mendapatkan lisensi Komisi Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi A.S. dan memastikan semua perdagangan dan transaksi yang dilakukan dalam sistem dijamin. Hal ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk melindungi dari uang dari masalah teknis biaya transaksi tambahan dan juga, mereka menawarkan asuransi perdagangan untuk melindungi aset Anda dari kehilangan uang.

Informasi Token NLS

Token NLS dibuat sesuai dengan standar ERC-20.

Token NLS adalah token keamanan.

Token NLS akan memberikan pemegang dividen dalam jumlah 50% dari keuntungan ekosistem Neluns (Neluns Bank, Neluns Exchange, Neluns Insurance). Dividen akan dibagikan setiap triwulan secara proporsional dengan jumlah token yang dimiliki dibandingkan dengan jumlah total token yang beredar.

Selain itu, pemegang token NLS akan memiliki akses ke bonus dan hak istimewa ketika menggunakan produk dari ekosistem Neluns. Semakin banyak pemegang NLS memiliki pemegang, semakin banyak hak istimewa yang akan diterimanya.

Token NLS dapat diperoleh di seluruh Pra-Penjualan, Pra-ICO, dan ICO. Akuisisi token NLS di pasar sekunder akan mungkin segera setelah listing di bursa cryptocurrency.

Token yang tidak terjual akan dibekukan setelah ICO. Setiap tahun, 3% token akan dibakar.
Emisi token NLS
Selama ICO, 200 000 000 NLS token akan dirilis
Harga dasar 1 token NLS = 1 USD

Distribusi token NLS
80% token akan dijual selama ICO
12% token akan tetap dengan tim pengembangan platform
5% token akan diarahkan ke kampanye Bounty
3% token akan disimpan oleh penasehat proyek

Harga NLS yang diharapkan
Pemodelan ekonomi dari proses bisnis memungkinkan kami meramalkan pertumbuhan harga token NLS melalui perspektif jangka pendek, menengah, dan panjang.

Neluns ICO
Tahapan (putaran) ICO
  • Hard Cap - $ 2.000.000
  • Soft Cap - $ 500.000
  • 1 tahap (putaran), pra-penjualan, tahap (putaran) panjang 14 hari,
  • dari 08-01-2018 hingga 08-15-2018.
  • Hard Cap - $ 10.000.000
  • Soft Cap - $ 2.000.000
  • 2 tahap (putaran), pra-ICO, tahap (putaran) panjang 21 hari,
  • dari 08-15-2018 hingga 09-05-2018.
  • Hard Cap - $ 112.000.000
  • Soft Cap - $ 10.000.000
  • 3 tahap (putaran), ICO, tahap (putaran) panjang 31 hari,
  • dari 09-05-2018 hingga 10-05-2018.
TIM dan Partner Neluns 

Untuk Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai Neluns , silahkan kungjungi website , facebook dll di bawah ini:

Penulis: Shenzen
Alamat ETH: 0x47a6A92Fd16329e14A32eF2B8786b5f125F95B96
Hasil gambar untuk neluns bountyABOUT NELUNS PROJECT

Neluns is the innovative financial ecosystem, combining within itself a bank that can work with fiat and cryptocurrencies, as well as a cryptocurrency exchange and insurance company, creating the best conditions for the quality development of the cryptocurrency market, inflow of new participants and capital.


  1. Unlike other project that sells their ICO at the current $ value of ethereum due to the bear in coinmarket, Neluns accept ETH and BTC on the locked price 429$/1ETH 10.000$/1BTC + extra-bonus 25% on investment more than 10 ETH.
  2. Neluns project already raised more than 55 million dollars investments. Recently most ICOs project have shut down due to inability to meet soft cap but in the case of NELUNS, $55 million has been raised which enough for the development of the project.
  3. NLS token will be listed on the biggest exchanges this October: The major concern of most investors is either a token will be listed at a top Exchange but in the case of NELUNS, listing arrangement in in place.
  4. Dividends for Token holders: The Neluns team have clearly put in place measures to reward NLS token holder n January 2019
  5. Huge Community Support: The NELUNS project has pulled a lot of crowd, check out the social media groups you will be amazed by the huge numbers of followers.
  6. Proactive Admins: Unlike other project that do not always update their investors on recent development, NELUNS is superb in updates.


Unlike other project with traditional method of operations, NELUNS has incoperated a multi purpose features on it App such that users of the platform can seamlessly carry out their transaction. Below are the unique components that gives NELUNS edge over other similar project;

1. NELUNS Bank: On the NELUNS bank user can do the following operations:
Instant fund transfers, withdrawals, and deposits in any ATM in the world.
Debit and credit Visa, Mastercard, American express cards.
Deposits in cryptocurrency and fiat.
P2P Lending platformMobile application for iOS and Android.

2. NELUNS Exchange
Buy and sell cryptocurrencies in two clicks, exchange crypto for fiat.
“Bank guarantee” principle.
Easy fund withdrawals, highest transaction speeds.
Protection from cyberattacksFull functionality during peak loads
Effective user support services API’s and trading on the Neluns exchange through familiar software such as Fusion, * TAKION, MetaTrader, Metastock, ROX, and others.

3. NELUNS Insurance
Trade insurance
Transaction insurance
Protection from technical issues
Protection from failed counterparty obligation


The initial coin offering is ongoing, with percentage bonus upon purchase, you will need an ERC20 wallet to buy the token. NLS token is a security token, profits of the Neluns ecosystem are quarterly distributed to NLS token holders in proportion to the quantity of tokens held.

Price of 1 NLS token = 1 USD
Token Symbol: NLS
Platform: Ethereum
Standard: ERC-20
Token amount 200 000 000 NLS

More info visit link below:
  • AUTHOR: Shenzen
  • BITCOINTALK PROFILE: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1059512
  • ETH ADDRESS: 0x47a6A92Fd16329e14A32eF2B8786b5f125F95B96

Hasil gambar untuk neluns bounty
Neluns is the innovative financial ecosystem, combining within itself a bank that can work with fiat and cryptocurrencies, as well as a cryptocurrency exchange and insurance company, creating the best conditions for the quality development of the cryptocurrency market, inflow of new participants and capital.
  1. Investments in Neluns are protected from price changes on the volatile cryptocurrency market
  2. NLS tokenholder will receive 50% of profit dividends quarterly
  3. A real world financial institute as a base. A bank with an official license
  4. Official notification of SEC (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission) about the start of ICO
  5. A cryptocurrency exchange, licensed by the SEC (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission) and by the CFTC (U.S Commodity Futures Trading Commission)
  6. A unique trade and transaction insurance system
  7. By the law, Neluns is not required to issue 1099 tax disclosure forms, which report on various manners of alternative or miscellaneous income.

What will be available to users in the Neluns ecosystem:

  1. the purchase and sale of cryptocurrency are just a few clicks away.
  2. the leadership of cryptocurrency transactions started on the exchange.
  3. depositing and also withdrawing funds through the system is quite a few clicks through all sides of
  4. world.
  5. IBAN account opening – personal account as well as multicurrency office
  6. the discharge of Visa, MasterCard and American Express debit and credit cards
  7. direct shipping as well as international money transfer receipts
  8. storage of assets to Neluns deposits in fiat currency and cryptocurrency
  9. Neluns loan receipts to fiat and also cryptocurrency
  10. profit receipts, through the lending of assets from the Peer-to-Peer Loan Platform (P2P)
  11. ensuring in every trading transaction
  12. Take your profits through NLS token trading transactions on the cryptocurrency exchange
  13. dividend receipts
  14. Active traders can develop profits and also reduce risk levels


The app for iOS and Android makes it easy for transfers, onsite operations, acceptance and lending in fiat and cryptocurrency (p2p-crediting) is two just click. This iOS and Android app can make it easy for you to work on all existing trading operations within the Neluns ecosystem: please buy and sell cryptocurrency on Neluns Exchange enough one click only, please make interest can receive deposit in Neluns Bank, please accept loan through Neluns Bank, giving or receiving loan on P2P platform, doing transaction worldwide enough with a matter of seconds. Here is a video about the iOS and Android app performance.
  • Instant fund transfers, withdrawals, and deposits in any ATM in the world.
  • Debit and credit Visa, Mastercard, American express cards.
  • Deposits in cryptocurrency and fiat.
  • P2P Lending platform
  • Mobile application for iOS and Android.
NELUNS Exchange
  • Buy and sell cryptocurrencies in two clicks, exchange crypto for fiat.
  • “Bank guarantee” principle. Easy fund withdrawals, highest transaction speeds.
  • Protection from cyberattacks
  • Full functionality during peak loads
  • Effective user support services API’s and trading on the Neluns exchange through familiar software such as Fusion, * TAKION, MetaTrader, Metastock, ROX, and others.
NELUNS Insurance
  • Trade insurance
  • Transaction insurance
  • Protection from technical issues
  • Protection from failed counterparty obligations

Benefits of working with the Neluns System:

Users in the system get a wide range of benefits available to them. These are:

  • Innovative technologies ensure a hassle-free and quick trading of cryptocurrencies despite the peak loads.
  • Under the protection of the “Bank Guarantee” principle users can actively participate in trading of cryptocurrencies. “Bank Guarantee” principle in conjunction with leading technologies allows you to easy withdraw your funds. It also provides a high level of protection from cyber-attacks and creates perfect conditions for cryptocurrency traders and fiat funds. Users can make withdrawals from around the globe under the guard of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).
  • Users get access to four types of debit or credit cards. These are: Lite, Silver, Gold, and Platinum.
  • Users can access loans in fiat or cryptocurrency in the Neluns banking system.
  • Gain profits while lending funds on a P2P (peer-2-peer) Lending platform. The lending platform will function at the base of Neluns Bank and authorized users will be able to use this service.
  • Active users get higher protection and other additional benefits.
  • Users can receive profits from trading NLS tokens and dividends from all insured trades.
  • Users get a chance to open a private or corporate multicurrency IBAN account.
  • Besides, making purchases, sending payments, trading cryptocurrencies and fund withdrawals are available from any ATM around the globe 24 hours 7 days a week. All users are able to carry out transactions in USD, EUR, GBR as well as cryptocurrencies. A bank card will automatically accompany the multicurrency IBAN account.
What is the NLS token?
The NLS token is a security token, profits of the Neluns ecosystem are quarterly distributed to NLS token holders in proportion to the quantity of tokens held. NLS token holders will receive 50% profits.
Why is it profitable to acquire NLS tokens?
  1. Token holders will receive additional bonuses and discounts when using the platform.
  2. 50% of the Neluns ecosystem profits are distributed quarterly to token holders based on the quantity of tokens they hold.
  3. The price of NLS tokens will grow alongside the growth of the Neluns ecosystem capitalization, which will allow token holders to receive additional profits.
  4. The price of one NLS token will reach $1,200 by 2021. In April 2020, the Neluns Blockchain Ecosystem plans to hold an IPO on the New York Stock Exchange.
  5. Tokens are released only during the ICO, additional token emissions are not planned.
  6. Simple conversions at appealing rates and NLS token liquidity will be guaranteed after listing on large cryptocurrency exchanges such as Bittrex, Huobi, OK-EX, HitBTC, Poloniex, Bitfinex, Binance, YoBit.
NLS token distributions
During the ICO, 200 000 000 NLS tokens will be released
Base price of 1 NLS token = 1 USD
Token name : NLS
Platform : Ethereum
Standard : ERC-20
Token amount : 200 000 000 NLS
Hard Cap : 112 000 000 USD
Base price of one token : 1 USD
Funds distribution
  • November 2017 : Neluns team Formulation
  • December 2017 : ICO preparations
  • May 2018 : IOS mobile application beta testing
  • June 2018 : Holding of a closed investment round for investment funds and anchor investors
  • July 2018 : Preparations for the NLS token sale
  • August 2018 : Pre-sale of NLS tokens, pre-ICO
  • September 2018 : NLS token ICO, mobile application launch (beta version) for iOS and Android
  • October 2018 : Listing on the cryptocurrency exchange bittrex.com, huobi.com, kraken.com
  • November 2018 : Launch of the p2p lending platform, launch of mobile applications (alpha version) for iOS and Android
    December 2018 : Listing on the cryptocurrency exchange hitbtc.com, poloniex.com, binance.com, bitfinex.com, okex.com
  • January 2019 : Obtaining a license for Neluns Bank, launch of a payment service for converting cryptocurrencies and executing the transfer of funds to any part of the world, connecting Neluns Bank to Swift, start of Visa, MasterCard, American Express bankcard issuance
  • February 2019 : Obtaining a CFTC license and launching the Neluns Exchange – an innovative cryptocurrency exchange
  • April 2019 : Launch of the full-fledged Neluns ecosystem
  • April 2020 : IPO (initial public offering) on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

  • More info visit link below:
    • AUTHOR: Shenzen
    • BITCOINTALK PROFILE: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1059512
    • ETH ADDRESS: 0x47a6A92Fd16329e14A32eF2B8786b5f125F95B96

Hasil gambar untuk humancoin
As progressive as it sounds, Blockchain really is a system to convey everybody to the most noteworthy level of responsibility. Not any more missed exchanges, human or machine blunders, or even a trade that was not finished with the assent of the gatherings included. Above whatever else, the most basic territory where Blockchain causes is to ensure the legitimacy of an exchange by recording it on a principle enroll as well as an associated dispersed arrangement of registers, which are all associated through a safe approval component. The blockchain is a morally sound computerized record of monetary exchanges that can be customized to record not simply money related exchanges but rather for all intents and purposes everything of esteem. Blockchain innovation resembles the web in that it has a worked in power. By putting away squares of data that are indistinguishable over its system, the blockchain can't be controlled by any single substance and has no single purpose of disappointment. The web itself has turned out to be tough for just about 30 years. It's a reputation that looks good for blockchain innovation as it keeps on being produced. About Humancoin HumanCoin is the new e-commerce cryptocurrency fuelled by the Proof of Charity mining convention. Humancoin is a progressive stage realizing the cooperative energy of altruism industry, retail internet business and digital money markets, which together have a consolidated estimation of $3.5 trillion. Humancoin is a leap forward blockchain venture, which joins donors and beneficiaries of assets on a solitary stage in the most advantageous and straightforward way. Benefactors (made of one of three of us internationally) can rapidly make gifts the world over, screen their buys on the web and furthermore get rebates from stage accomplices. Philanthropy undertakings can get stores with at least overheads and in a brief timeframe in an agreeable cash. Blockchains can decrease the requirement for outsiders (long-chain banks, NGOs, government offices, law offices et cetera). Blockchain can disentangle the stage on a significantly bigger scale. The Humancoin stage offers industry suitable and long haul answers for philanthropy through the solidification of three progressive procedures, digital currency markets, blockchain innovation and web based business unwaveringness programs. The stage unites all partners, including benefactors, beneficiaries and web based business clients. The organization has fabricated an interface that enables members to send gifts rapidly and intelligently to their picked nations, screen exchanges, and can see reports. Market Highlights $ 750 bln- Charity Every third person on Earth gives to charity $ 2 300 bln- E-Commerce 70% large brands interested in the image of social responsible companies $ 300—900 bln- Cryptocurrencies 75% of large businesses do charity work Problem: lack of trust Doubts over whether the contribution will reach the recipient in full and on time, and a lack of trust in charities. High operational costs of the transactions, the complexity of cross-border payments, as well as dealing with regulatory agencies Inability to discern any additional benefits for making a donation Huge competition in e-commerce with the most pressing challenge being to retain existing customers Solution: Humancoin is the currency of kindness Blockchain solves the trust issue by providing transparency, traceability and security Donors can quickly make donations worldwide, monitor their expenditure online, receive benefits from the platform's partners The symbiosis of e-commerce and cryptocurrencies will facilitate an increase in the number of donors Among the project's partners will be large online stores, service businesses, gaming and entertainment industries, airlines, cryptoexchanges, international corporations, regardless of whether they operate with cryptocurrencies or not Unique features of Humancoin This is the first ever blockchain project that has the potential to become a global e-commerce loyalty program aggregator Association with philanthropy gives its tokens a unique advantage in developing loyalty programs with partners creating a strong emotional resonance Instead of competing with existing programs, the Humancoin token is effortlessly integrated into already existing systems — all it requires is setting a conversion rate Humancoin Advantages Humancoin makes use of Blockchain to facilitate fast, completely ethical transactions that can be viewed by any interested party worldwide. Blockchain technology is also extremely safe, protecting the funds moving through it from potential threats. Humancoin’s platform will enable a person to donate to any charity in the world, the money can transfer through instantaneously; the charitable person can receive feedback and can be given back additional rewards from the non-profit they partnered with. How it works The platform provides the opportunity to fully track donations online, as well as voting and ranking for projects and philanthropists along with other features. There is also the option to receive a receipt for each donation to use for tax deduction purposes depending on the donor’s tax jurisdiction. The future expansion of the project will be financed by the 5%-fee raised from the funds collected for charity projects, which is 4 times lower than the market average. Charitable projects, both private initiatives, and foundations enter the details in the Humancoin platform. They complete a standard format the initial stage. In the future, Humancoin plans to conduct a forensic audit with the help of specialized financial and legal teams. Contributions can be anonymous or, conversely, if the donor so wishes, can be made public. Arrangement Provided by HumanCoin Blockchain comprehends the trust issue by giving straightforwardness, traceability and security Benefactors can rapidly make gifts around the world, screen their use on the web, get profits by the stage's accomplices The advantageous interaction of online business and digital currencies will encourage an expansion in the quantity of benefactors Among the task's accomplices will be substantial online stores, benefit organizations, gaming and media outlets, carriers, cryptoexchanges, universal enterprises, paying little respect to whether they work with cryptographic forms of money or not. Extraordinary highlights of Humancoin: This is the primary ever blockchain venture that can possibly turn into a worldwide internet business dedication program aggregator Relationship with altruism gives its tokens a one of a kind favorable position in creating steadfastness programs with accomplices making a compelling enthusiastic reverberation Rather than contending with existing projects, the Humancoin token is easily incorporated into officially existing frameworks — all it requires is setting a transformation rate.

Token Sale 

3,055,000,000 ERC20 Humancoins are available All tokens that go unsold will be burned The price of one token is $0.01
Minimum purchase – 0.1 ETH


July 1 — August 15
Expected to raise$1 mln
Token Sale
September 15 — November 1
Softcap — $6 mln
Hardcap — $26 mln

Humancoin HUMA Token ICO Details

Parameters Of The ICO
Token Name: Humancoin
Total Coin Emission: 6000, 000, 000 Humancoins
Tokens for Sale: 3, 055, 000, 000 Humancoins
Price of the Tokens: 1 Humancoin = $0.01 USD
Min Purchase: 0.1 ETH


For more information on this project, visit the following links: Website: https://www.humancoin.net White Paper: http://docs.humancoin.net/HumanCoin_whitepaper_en.pdf Bitcointalk ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4469466 Twitter: https://twitter.com/humancoinnet Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Humancoinnet Telegram: https://t.me/HumancoinChat/ Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/humancoinnet Medium: https://medium.com/@humancoinnet AUTHOR: Shenzen BITCOINTALK PROFILE: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1059512
ETH ADDRESS: 0x47a6A92Fd16329e14A32eF2B8786b5f125F95B96 

Gambar terkait
Welcome my dear friends . I have prepared for you an overview of the project.Humancoin brings together philanthropists and recipients of funds on one P2P platform in the most convenient and transparent way . The blockchain platform will breathe new life into the charity industry and is the engine of growth. At the same time, it is the main global loyalty program for an increasing number of e-Commerce partners.

Humancoin tokens can be easily converted to any other tokens, miles, bonuses, coupons. Token holders will be encouraged to hold them to take advantage of attractive benefits and this ensures long-term stable demand. As the number of partners and the scale of cooperation in the Humancoin network grows, the token's popularity grows.

This is the first blockchain project in history that can become a global aggregator of e-Commerce loyalty programs. Association with philanthropy gives tokens a unique advantage in developing loyalty programs with partners that create a strong emotional resonance Instead of competing with existing programs, the Humancoin token easily integrates into existing systems - all that is required is setting the conversion rate.General information

There is no doubt that there are major changes in the way donations are made, but even for this purpose the charity industry has not been able to overcome its main obstacles.

Donors, many of which are private companies, have trust issues when they donate.

Also note that most of the funds are spent on charities.

The operational cost of a transaction is the transaction fee.

Humancoin ID can easily be converted into tokens, miles, bonuses, other coupons. Token holders will be asked to hold them to take advantage of attractive, and this provides long-term, stable demand. As the number of partners and the scale of cooperation in the Humancoin network grows, the popularity of tokens grows.

This is the first blockchain project in history that can be a global aggregator of e-Commerce loyalty programs. with philanthropic tokens, Associations provide a unique advantage in developing loyalty programs with partners to create a strong emotional resonance. Instead of competing with existing programs, Humancoin tags can be easily integrated into existing systems - all that is required is to set the conversion rate

Unique feature of Humancoin
= > This is the first blockchain project that can become an aggregator of global e-Commerce loyalty programs
= > Association with philanthropy provides its token with a unique advantage in developing a loyalty program with partners that creates a strong emotional resonance

Long-term charitable networks, consisting of banks, non-governmental organizations, government agencies and law firms, will be moved to the far end with a distributed book. Using the blockchain platform will be able to provide a digital mechanism to be used to record and view any transactions.

This new technology, on a larger scale, will contribute to the development of a direct funding platform. Philanthropists, as well as the benefits of selling their funds.

The growth of the charity industry should be significantly increased thanks to the great benefits of blockchain technology.
Token: HUMA
Platform: Ethereum
Standard: ERC20
Quantity: 3,055,000,000 HUMA
Price: 1 HUMA = 0.01


Soft cap: 6,000,000 USD
Hard cap: 26,000,000 USD

Quantity: 150,000,000 HUMA
Beginning: 01.06.2018
Completion: 15.09.2018


Quantity: 2,905,000,000 HUMA
Beginning: 15.09.2018
Completion: 01.11.2018

Stage 1 - 35%
Stage 2 - 20%
Stage 3 - 0% Road map: 2017 - Q1 2018
development of project idea establishment of a core team and pool of the early supporters of the consultation with the charitable community and experts in the loyalty rewards final team formation

Q2 2018
start a social media and PR campaign prepare for token sale

Q3 2018
Selling tokens is a development platform and expansion team preliminary talks with partners in the MVP program agreements with korinami charities

Q4 2018
completion of token sale and listing on crypto exchanges launch of the charity platform in beta version conclusion of agreements with e-Commerce partners completion of the legal structure

Q1-Q2 2019
the platform includes fundraising for charities and distributing tokens for benefactors further development of the platform

Q3-Q4 2019
full functionality of the platform expanding the list of e-Commerce partners expanding the list of charitable foundations

For more information on this project, visit the following links: Website: https://www.humancoin.net White Paper: http://docs.humancoin.net/HumanCoin_whitepaper_en.pdf Bitcointalk ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4469466 Twitter: https://twitter.com/humancoinnet Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Humancoinnet Telegram: https://t.me/HumancoinChat/ Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/humancoinnet Medium: https://medium.com/@humancoinnet AUTHOR: Shenzen BITCOINTALK PROFILE: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1059512 ETH ADDRESS: 0x47a6A92Fd16329e14A32eF2B8786b5f125F95B96
Hasil gambar untuk humancoin
Humancoin is a magnanimous stage for volunteers that will bolster humankind with their significant commitments and will be remunerated for such motions. Benefactors will have the capacity to track their commitments and get motivating forces from accomplices. The altruistic association will get quick conveyance of gifts with small working expense. 

Supporters of altruistic activities regularly have the vulnerability of conveyance of their gifts, doubt because of the nonappearance of a solid body that would FastTrack the commitment procedure. Gift to worldwide activities is convoluted, additionally the reward of gifts isn't sure, and the failure to recognize genuine tasks. What's more, in that capacity Humancoin will address these difficulties through blockchain innovation.


The Charity showcase capitalization of philanthropy gifts in the United States of America is at $400 billion, which has surpassed 2% of the country's GDP. All inclusive, beneficent gifts speak to an indispensable bit of a country's economy. ''Philanthropy Aid Foundation" recorded different bodies where gifts are made, extending from the most elevated beneficiary to the least hence: Religious causes, different purposes, training, helpful guide, philanthropy subsidize ventures, and human services. 

Regardless of different methods for gifts, the philanthropy business still face fast approaching difficulties in regard of gifts process. Scopes of absence of trust, inappropriate store administration, administrative difficulties, cost of activity and an astounding sum is heled by philanthropy associations as managerial costs. Humancoin will tackle these determined difficulties using blockchain innovation. 

In 2017, E-business showcase came to $2.3 trillion in retail deals and has been conjecture to reach $4 trillion in the year 2022. Online buy has millions in every day exchanges whose blockchain innovation are presented by some significant dealers (Alibaba, Expedia and so forth). 

Tireless difficulties go from aggressiveness among shippers, and absence of social duty of internet business organizations. There is most likely that blockchain innovation has the imperative organelle to maintain the trustworthiness of the web based business biological system by rearing socially dependable organizations inside it environments, and Humancoin will be the sign of such quality using blockchain foundation. 

In addition, for the Cryptocurrency showcase is promoted at $0.3-0.8 trillion USD and inviting more speculators. Furthermore, with the lucid increment in the estimation of Coins that has genuine utilization, Humancoin can be ascribed to such highlights as it use is unmistakable and it will doubtlessly develop in showcase esteem

Humancoin Foundation coordinates the philanthropy business, digital money market and web based business in a solitary undertaking. These highlights make it one of a kind to contenders. 

Humancoin has a long haul use with increment motivating forces for holders because of the one of a kind structure that has just begun pulling in financial specialists. Furthermore, the evidence of philanthropy structure will help Humancoin development of thousandths. 

This is the first of its kind on blockchain, and the connection with altruist make is one of a kind to different favorable circumstances. Likewise, the token holder settles on the sum to offer. 

Tasks choose the cash (fiat or crypto) they wish to get. Furthermore, there are no limitations on the exchange. 5% of gifts will be put resources into facilitate improvement of the Humancoin stage, which is far underneath the customary charges of beneficent establishments. 

The stage will be easy to understand and will have the most developed properties that will empower token range, voting among others. 

There will be various highlights that will be understandable when the stage ends up useful. What's more, Humancoin will be the focal point of the exchange for online business ventures. 

Holders will be wonderfully compensated for their dependability. Humancoin will be recorded in major crypto trades toward the finish of the token deal. Online stores, International aircraft cooperations, Tourism industry players, the gaming business and International companies are among the imminent clients of our token and stage. 

Taking everything into account, Humancoin venture has an obvious and entirely taken after guide which is supported by experts in lawful, programming, blockchain specialists, data technologists, advertisers among others. We therefore welcome speculators and partners to a stage of various advantages and unshaken respectability.

For more information on this project, visit the following links: Website: https://www.humancoin.net White Paper: http://docs.humancoin.net/HumanCoin_whitepaper_en.pdf Bitcointalk ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4469466 Twitter: https://twitter.com/humancoinnet Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Humancoinnet Telegram: https://t.me/HumancoinChat/ Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/humancoinnet Medium: https://medium.com/@humancoinnet AUTHOR: Shenzen BITCOINTALK PROFILE: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1059512 ETH ADDRESS: 0x47a6A92Fd16329e14A32eF2B8786b5f125F95B96

Gambar terkait
About Neluns
With each day, more and more people become participants of the cryptocurrency market. There are now long-term investors following the buy & hold strategy, traders who partake in regular trading operations, and large cryptocurrency funds.

Nonetheless, many people still reject entering the market. The absence of utilizing cryptocurrencies within the bounds of business models as well as the absence of regulations act as entry barriers for companies. Individuals frequently don’t have time or energy to study all of the market’s mechanisms and purchase a cryptocurrency.

At the same time, all active market participants bump into serious issues. These include:

  • Limited amount of banking services.
  • Limited selection of financial instruments.
  • Difficulties with converting cryptocurrencies to fiat.
  • Challenges in working with cryptocurrency exchanges:
  • Exchanges crash during peak loads.
  • Issues with registering and passing verification.
  • Fund withdrawal limits.
  • Big losses due to hackers attacks.
  • A near full absence of cryptocurrencies being utilized as a means of payment.
  • Absence of insuring trades and transactions.
  • All of these factors act as serious barriers, which can impose a limiting effect on the development of the cryptocurrency market, as well as the mass use of cryptocurrencies.

The existing projects try to solve separate problems, while in general, the situation practically does not change. According to our opinion, a comprehensive approach is required. We see the solution in creating a financial ecosystem, a business model which will be oriented towards eliminating the issues of all active cryptocurrency market participants, as well as removing market entry barriers.

Neluns will achieve this goal through creating the most convenient conditions, to broaden the possibilities of current participants and open up access to the cryptocurrency sphere for a broad range of users. Neluns will become the cryptocurrency markets development catalyst.

Neluns financial ecosystem
A comprehensive solution is necessary, because it’s the only way to create a new financial ecosystem, which will eliminate barriers on the path of development of the cryptomarket and will make it possible to ubiquitously use cryptocurrencies.

Aside from this, most government body financial regulators actively support fintech startups. Online banking is gaining traction, new and innovative solutions are emerging. Traditional banks in such an environment are not always competitive.

All of this creates very favorable conditions for the launch of the revolutionary Neluns project. A comprehensive approach, and the proposal of new, quality solutions, eliminating an array of target audience issues, in combination with active fintech project support on a government level line up Neluns for success.

To solve current problems, limiting the possibilities of cryptocurrency market participants, limiting the use of cryptocurrencies, and as a result, impeding the development of the cryptoasset market as a whole, an innovative and comprehensive solution is necessary.

Such will be the Neluns solutions – an innovative financial ecosystem of the future.

The Neluns ecosystem includes:

  • Neluns Bank – A new generation bank, presenting all key fiat banking services with cryptocurrencies.
  • Neluns Exchange – An Innovative cryptocurrency exchange, making secure and fast cryptocurrency trade operations of any scale available.
  • Neluns Insurance – Insurance company, allowing to protect any transactions and trades executed by ecosystem users.

The Neluns team abides by the principles of simplicity and minimal risks. We are developing the best system, taking into account the shortcomings of existing solutions and introducing new innovative ideas to modern technologies.


  • November 2017Neluns team Formulation
  • December 2017ICO preparations
  • May 2018IOS mobile application beta testing
  • June 2018Holding of a closed investment round for investment funds and anchor investors
  • July 2018Preparations for the NLS token sale
  • August 2018
  • Pre-sale of NLS tokens, pre-ICO
  • September 2018
  • NLS token ICO, mobile application launch (beta version) for iOS and Android
  • October 2018
  • Listing on the cryptocurrency exchange bittrex.com, huobi.com, kraken.com
  • November 2018
  • Launch of the p2p lending platform, launch of mobile applications (alpha version) for iOS and Android
  • December 2018
  • Listing on the cryptocurrency exchange hitbtc.com, poloniex.com, binance.com, bitfinex.com, okex.com
  • January 2019
  • Obtaining a license for Neluns Bank, launch of a payment service for converting cryptocurrencies and executing the transfer of funds to any part of the world, connecting Neluns Bank to Swift, start of Visa, MasterCard, American Express bankcard issuance
  • February 2019
  • Obtaining a CFTC license and launching the Neluns Exchange – an innovative cryptocurrency exchange
  • April 2019
  • Launch of the full-fledged Neluns ecosystem
  • April 2020
  • IPO (initial public offering) on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
More info visit link below:

AUTHOR: Shenzen
BITCOINTALK PROFILE: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1059512
ETH ADDRESS: 0x47a6A92Fd16329e14A32eF2B8786b5f125F95B96